Recognising dental problems in horses involves observing their behaviour, performance, and physical signs. Here are some indicators of potential dental issues:

Changes in Eating Habits:

  • Difficulty chewing or dropping food while eating.
  • Slower eating or reluctance to eat.
  • Tilting the head while eating.

Behavioural Changes:

  • Head tossing or head tilting.
  • Resistance to the bit or difficulty in accepting it.
  • Changes in temperament or behaviour, such as irritability or reluctance to work.

Physical Signs:

  • Weight loss or changes in body condition.
  • Excessive salivation or nasal discharge.
  • Swelling or sensitivity around the mouth or jaw.

Performance Issues:

  • Decreased performance, especially in activities requiring proper chewing and bit acceptance.
  • Difficulty maintaining proper head carriage or responding to cues.

Regular dental check-ups by a qualified equine dental technician are essential for early detection and prevention of dental problems.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s advisable to seek professional dental care for your horse.